Upcoming Opportunities

Nominations open for Research Honours Aotearoa 2025

The call for nominations for medals and awards for Research Honours Aotearoa 2025 is now open.

The Royal Society’s Academy Executive Committee is focused on increasing the diversity of nominations from under-represented groups, particularly with respect to gender, ethnicity and employment context, including from Crown Research Institutes and Independent Research Organisations.

Various exciting awards may interest SAANZ members, particularly under the Communication and Leadership and Humanities and Social Sciences categories.

Please note the closing date for applications is Monday, 31 March.

Find more information here.

Registrations of Interest for Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden | Marsden Fund Panellists

Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden Marsden Fund secretariat at the Royal Society Te Apārangi maintains a list of potential panellists. If individuals wish to signal their availability to serve on a Marsden Fund Panel in 2025 or beyond, they should contact Dr Rachel Averill at the Royal Society Te Apārangi with their contact details, affiliation, a clear preference for which panel they would be suitable for, and ideally a link to their institutional web page.
More information is available here.

JRSNZ Call for Papers:
Special Issue on Māori Data Sovereignty: Research, Practice, and Policy

E te tī! E te tā! He karanga tēnei ki a koutou e ngā pūkenga o te mana raraunga.

The Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand is calling for expressions of interest for a special issue planned for release in early-2026 entitled ‘Māori Data Sovereignty: Research, Practice, and Policy’.

“Nothing about us, without us” has been the call to Indigenous data sovereignty worldwide. But how is Māori data sovereignty operationalised in research, science, innovation, and technology in Aotearoa New Zealand?

This special issue will be guest edited by Associate Professor Lara Greaves (Ngāpuhi, Pākehā, Tararā) from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, Dr Logan Hamley (Ngāti Rangi, Whanganui) from Whakauae Research and Dr Nicole Edwards (Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu) from The University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau.
Find out more. 

Call for Nominations: WDS-ECR Network Co-Chair Position
Are you passionate about data stewardship and early career development?
The World Data System Early Career Researchers (WDS-ECR) Network invites nominations for the role of co-chair. 
This is an exciting opportunity to develop leadership skills while fostering a global community dedicated to advancing research data management and shaping the future of early career researchers.

WDS-ECR co-chairs serve a term of three years.

For more information about the network and the responsibilities of the co-chairs see here.

Associate Editor positions

Sociology Compass is inviting applications for two Associate Editors for the journal’s new sections on “climate change, environmental and social futures” and “technology and social change”.

Read more here.

PhD Scholarship in Ethnicity, Citizenship and Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The University of Waikato is offering a full-time research scholarship for a PhD student to undertake an interdisciplinary study on the topic of ‘ethnic communities, citizenship and Tiriti o Waitangi’.

Find more information here

Applications for the scholarship will be received on a rolling basis until the position is filled.