Winner of the 2024 SAANZ Student Blog Writing Competition Weaponizing Precarity: Governmental Precarisation and the Struggles of Indonesian Tertiary Student
Category: Blogs
Lost meanings in cultural contact by Kiko Qin
Lost meanings in cultural contact: Stories from Chinese students’ outdoor recreation Experiencing local culture is a huge draw for international
Don’t Confuse the Menu With the Food by Joseph Brockliss
Runner-up in the 2022 Student Blog Writing Competition The Government’s menu regarding how they intend to address food insecurity in
The commodified worker: the consumption of social hierarchies in the workplace by Peyton Bond
Winner of the 2022 SAANZ Student Blog Writing Competition The enigmatic concept of a work/life balance seems to exist only
My Pepeha is not a River: Finding Ways to Decolonise my Filipino Identity by Leal Rodriguez
Runner-up in the 2021 SAANZ Student Blog Writing Competition What’s your pepeha? A Filipino-Kiwi once asked if there was a

Being an Early Career Researcher today: reflections of a sociologist in industry by Orin Lockyer
Early career researchers have always had difficulties in finding relevant employment that makes the most of their skills. Those who

“Team of Five Million”: The crucial role of the New Zealand national identity during the COVID-19 pandemic by Grace Miller
Runner-up in the 2021 SAANZ Student Blog Writing Competition Following its nationwide outbreak at the beginning of last year, COVID-19

Our National Game? What our obsession with Rugby reveals about national identity in New Zealand By Eleanor Pollard
Winner of the 2021 SAANZ Student Blog Writing Competition “The All Blacks are not just our heroes. They represent us

How to work with other researchers? a guide for sociologists by Casimir MacGregor
In order to examine the complex social, political, economic and environmental challenges of our times, such as climate change, there
Time to rethink the care of “our most vulnerable” by Chris Perkins
Covid-19 should make us re-think our care of frail older people. Despite amazing efforts ̶ coronavirus entered only six out