SAANZ 2020: The Isolation Edition – Call for Papers

SAANZ 2020:
The Isolation Edition

Wednesdays 4 pm to 5:15 pm
Weekly from October 21st to December 2nd

With no annual SAANZ conference this year, we are still keen to keep up to date with our members’ developing sociological research and other passion projects.  

So, with a warm welcome, we invite you to take part in our 2020 online webinar series! 

Each session will include three 10 minute presentations, with time for discussion with the live, zoom-linked, audience. Sessions will also be recorded and posted to the SAANZ 2020 website.

Please send a 150-200 word abstract of your proposed presentation to by October 2nd.

Just like our usual yearly conference, there are prizes for the best student abstracts!

For full details, please view the SAANZ 2020: The Isolation Edition flyer here